So, if this Sacred Heart is not a Twin Flame thing and everything that ‘seemed’ to be Twin Flame was simply to quickly catch me up on previous growth in other dimensions, who is this ‘man I love and haven’t met yet’?. That I have known about from Soul Memories and always been aware of?
Until recently I would have left the possibility open that ‘He’ was just my Higher Self. Though due to two experiences I now hold that I am currently engaged in another type of ascension connection (Read Dual Aspect Being Prt 1 for more info).
From my two experiences the ‘sharing’ is very similar, yet this experience, seems more heart focused. ‘Sacred Heart’ was the name I was given for it. The ‘US’ of the heart union.
This heart which I experienced on another plane/dimension seemed an entirely separate consciousness and even higher then my own or his (and he is a higher dimensional being in his current state, not physical at all). They seem to co-exist in our chests, independent to our entity and seemed to be sending love back and forth. They were like there own entities in themselves.
I had NO idea this was even going on, yet he seemed more aware (being a higher consciousness then me) yet he was unaware of his own hearts role in this and he was angrily asking why I kept sending it to him.
(Contrary to popular belief 5D+ is not all unicorns, fluffiness and love)
This ascension process goes beyond the 5D that Twin Flames do.
In my information I need to reach up to 9D to reach this full union dimension, to fully join ‘Him’. It seems like these ‘layers’ are what combines to create the existential ‘US’.
- Unity Energy
- Unity Consciousness
- Unity Heart
Written by Conscious Libre
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