Category: Journal Posts
Twin Flame/Monadic Inevitability – A Perfect Paradox
I can feel me or him (Giggles I call him), or both ready, wanting, we can move forward. I want to do so also, I think it is regardless, which is good. Energy wants to flow! Let it!
(These journal posts are my own writing and processing as I do inner and shadow work. I use elements of NLP during, hence I may seem to loop and repeat things. I only post online the parts I think others might find useful.)
Healing the Illusion, Losing the Content
So, emotional healing, movement from the past, connection.. justice over that ‘7 swords’, 3 swords, 5 swords.. yeah, readers will know those cards.. I have tried this in the past with limited success, maybe that is because it wasn’t time yet? Well…
Individual vs Shared Reality. Consciousness vs Dream.
I am tired of that feeling in the dreams where everything I do gets ‘sucked up’ into other peoples lives or they do their own thing with it, usually to the detriment of my plan/desire and the health of the things itself. (In last nights case, my brothers sudden desire to place my small aquarium …
Individual vs Shared Reality. Consciousness vs Dream.Read More
‘Add Title’
Good idea, though when people I havent seen for a while and ask me how I am and I say ‘same as’.. is that really true? Inside I have improved, a lot! That is for sure. Though I maybe have improved in inner components, I am still using them for the same old things. I …
Tests and Trials – The Closing Chapter
Ok, there it it. I even gave it a heading to set the intent. This is the closing chapter of the test and trials I and We have been undergoing. We have been placed into the complete opposition of what we were hoping to move into and become. Why was this? Did we know? Maybe …
Consciousness, Reality and the Two
So really, as I see of me, is the same I see of him.. just his avatar in this reality of form. An indirect expression in a sense. T is what my Partner is experiencing and expressing himself as, but its not him. As its me. Both my experience expressions. Its me in another experience …
Me the Whole
Was just doing the daily tarot and when I asked ‘for me’ I realised that ‘me’ is actually only this Experience. Then the cards fell out. King of Coins , with a hidden 9 coins behind it and Death card. Totally confirming what I just realised. This experience is what makes ‘me’, or my idea …
A Word to the We
So a message about this: Have FAITH, belief, trust, what seems to be lacking, out in the cold, destitute, there will be a harvest of everything you appear to be lacking, it is protected, it is truth, it is law, what was twisting this was that we didnt realise we BOTH have this, its the …
What the Heart Remembers
Speaking to Loz I realised that my ‘knowing’ I should feel something.. is most likely coming from my memories/past of feeling this him/connection/feeling. Back then it was normal to feel it all, yet now, is not then. Thinking, feeling I SHOULD be feeling/aware of this is what is causing me this black hole where there …
A Rising Sense of Hopelessness
As it sets in, your limbs start to feel heavy, like it is suddenly becoming a burden, this thing that no longer seems to serve any value. A sense of hopelessness starts to set in as an inward sigh of resignation sounds. You know there is no point in doing it yet again, yet what …
The Reoccurring Conundrum – Internal Conflict – To Be Or Not To Be
This has come around a few times for me. Should I be making this blog open to the public or should it be private? I can see pro’s and con’s for both yet today it has hit me again.Part of me feels it should not be up for just anyone to read and immediately calls …
The Reoccurring Conundrum – Internal Conflict – To Be Or Not To BeRead More
The Depressing Dream World of a Partially Awakened 5d+ Winged God-Being in a 3D World
I can grow wings, fly, trans-locate, make things appear from thin air. Sounds good eh? Not really.