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A Personal Exploration of Spirituality & Life

Individual vs Shared Reality. Consciousness vs Dream.

I am tired of that feeling in the dreams where everything I do gets ‘sucked up’ into other peoples lives or they do their own thing with it, usually to the detriment of my plan/desire and the health of the things itself. (In last nights case, my brothers sudden desire to place my small aquarium fish in the huge pond leading to the feeding of the larger pond fish when I wanted to separate them out between my old and larger new aquarium).


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Tests and Trials – The Closing Chapter

Ok, there it it. I even gave it a heading to set the intent.

This is the closing chapter of the test and trials I and We have been undergoing.

We have been placed into the complete opposition of what we were hoping to move into and become. Why was this? Did we know? Maybe this IS the path to get there? Though if that was the case then why a test or trial first? To see if we are ready? Surely that isn’t needed as if you are ready you would simply be and who would test us? Who has the right to doubt or need to deem us worthy except ourselves and our judgement OF ourselves and each other?


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The Reoccurring Conundrum – Internal Conflict – To Be Or Not To Be

This has come around a few times for me. Should I be making this blog open to the public or should it be private?

I can see pro’s and con’s for both yet today it has hit me again.Part of me feels it should not be up for just anyone to read and immediately calls for me to hit the ‘private’ button before turning my attention to youtube. I went half way and hit the button for asking search engines to not list it. Yeah, maybe not THE best ‘cop out’ though, though its a half way point until I resolve this.


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Ohh.. ‘Highly Sensitive Person’?

Is this agoraphobia or am I a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? If I am HSP could this, through misunderstanding, have lead to anxiety and fear and created the phobia?

HSP is when you have an inherent high awareness of the external and internal. (NOT to be confused with any spiritual or metaphysical awareness). The over-stimulation leading to fear and anxiety, especially when you do not know what is going on and think something is wrong and your weak or not normal.


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