Category: Self
What is Self-Awareness & Why is it Necessary?
Before delving into ‘self-awareness’ it is good to have an idea of what ‘self’ actually is and is not. This will help you to gain a rough idea of what you will be aware of. This as well as also how to understand between the ‘Self’ and the ‘false self’ that you will come across. …
Individual vs Shared Reality. Consciousness vs Dream.
I am tired of that feeling in the dreams where everything I do gets ‘sucked up’ into other peoples lives or they do their own thing with it, usually to the detriment of my plan/desire and the health of the things itself. (In last nights case, my brothers sudden desire to place my small aquarium …
Individual vs Shared Reality. Consciousness vs Dream.Read More
‘Add Title’
Good idea, though when people I havent seen for a while and ask me how I am and I say ‘same as’.. is that really true? Inside I have improved, a lot! That is for sure. Though I maybe have improved in inner components, I am still using them for the same old things. I …
Tests and Trials – The Closing Chapter
Ok, there it it. I even gave it a heading to set the intent. This is the closing chapter of the test and trials I and We have been undergoing. We have been placed into the complete opposition of what we were hoping to move into and become. Why was this? Did we know? Maybe …
The Reoccurring Conundrum – Internal Conflict – To Be Or Not To Be
This has come around a few times for me. Should I be making this blog open to the public or should it be private? I can see pro’s and con’s for both yet today it has hit me again.Part of me feels it should not be up for just anyone to read and immediately calls …
The Reoccurring Conundrum – Internal Conflict – To Be Or Not To BeRead More
The Depressing Dream World of a Partially Awakened 5d+ Winged God-Being in a 3D World
I can grow wings, fly, trans-locate, make things appear from thin air. Sounds good eh? Not really.
End of Personal 7 Year Cycles. Triple Flames. Time for a Summary.
They say most things come about through a 7 year cycle, well two of mine just hit the 7th year. Does that mean they ended, or are beginning to end? So this is my download, sifting through and sorting out. A summary of whats happened and whats what.
Ohh.. ‘Highly Sensitive Person’?
Is this agoraphobia or am I a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? If I am HSP could this, through misunderstanding, have lead to anxiety and fear and created the phobia? HSP is when you have an inherent high awareness of the external and internal. (NOT to be confused with any spiritual or metaphysical awareness). The over-stimulation …
What Awakens? What Ascends? I am the Center.
With awakening, am I (the spirit) still the ‘who’ and a different ‘what’ or still the ‘what’ with a different ‘who’? Or the same ‘who’ and ‘what’ just another ‘how’? Am I, this new ‘who’ or someone else under the guise of this human?
Self Update
Been a while since I did any updates, so here they are, spread over a few articles for easy of readings!
A Nod to What was Not Seen
OK. Abundance I can not see. I have been focusing on physical lack, what seems missing, than noticing what else had changed. So today, writing is to address this.
Transforming Imperfection into Perfection, Opening the Crown and Physical Ascension
I had a moment of realisation of how the imperfections that were causing me so much distress in my awareness and consciousness where in fact, perfection themselves. This only took a split second and my entire awareness became clear.