Tag: Unity
Twin Flame Questions – 3
You can find more of these Twin Flame questions here: If you would like to submit a Twin Flame Question for Twin Flames FAQ you can do that via Conscious Bites FAQ. Is it wrong to manifest a physical union with your twin flame? You cant manifest a Union as a Union requires many years …
Individual vs Shared Reality. Consciousness vs Dream.
I am tired of that feeling in the dreams where everything I do gets ‘sucked up’ into other peoples lives or they do their own thing with it, usually to the detriment of my plan/desire and the health of the things itself. (In last nights case, my brothers sudden desire to place my small aquarium …
Individual vs Shared Reality. Consciousness vs Dream.Read More
The Sacred Heart -Prt 2
So, if this Sacred Heart is not a Twin Flame thing and everything that ‘seemed’ to be Twin Flame was simply to quickly catch me up on previous growth in other dimensions, who is this ‘man I love and haven’t met yet’?. That I have known about from Soul Memories and always been aware of?
Dual Aspect Being – Prt 1
This is my own personal understanding of a Dual Aspect Being based on my awareness of state of being over the last 20 years. I was at first mistaking it as being a ‘Twin Flame‘ yet as I went it was obvious that whilst similar, it was also different. Very different.
A Brief Experience of Stepping into the Now
At some point last night I felt a knowing/remembering. It seemed to come forward from within. I felt it moving and as it arrived I realised ‘I WANT to be in all nows!’. I opened to this revelation and not long after, I stepped into the now.
Awakening is About Being Aware, Not Remembering
I have often gone ahead with the common beliefs that to awaken to oneself is to remember. Yet I can safely say that remembering has nothing to do with it. I have spent the last 5 years with the remembering concept in mind, meditating, intending to open and remember my true self, my divine self. …