Tag: Twin Soul
What is Beyond Twin Flames. Monadic and Group Souls
..the Journey of a Multi-Flame differs to that of a Twin Flame. These more or less seem like the same in process .. until you hit a certain point. This is where the ‘twin flames’ journey ends and multi-flames keep going…
What is a Twin Flame Spiritual Growth & Experience. Part 2
..’perfect love and relationship’ is flawed in its creation, it comes from the fantasy of a wounded mind and heart which, in its current state, is unable to exist in such a high, harmonious and stable state. Such states only exist within our healed and harmonious inner selves – which the spiritual awakening and ascension brings… and then some!
The Absolute Basics. What is a Twin Flame Part 1
I feel it is time to address something which is the FOUNDATION of Twin Flames yet barely mentioned in the Twin Flame community and concepts. New comers tend to not have a clue about this as it is presented as a ‘stand alone’ experience hence so many mistake romance and even worse, abusive and toxic relationships as TF. So please have a read of this and share it around as much as you can!
A Twin Flame, Monadic, Twin Soul, Multi-Flame and Collective Connection is a dynamic and only exists WITHIN a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING.
New to Twin Flames/Souls/Multi-Flames?
For those completely new to all same-soul connections (twin flame, twin flame, collective) and most likely spirituality itself.
There are some harsh truths in here that you may not want to hear.. though I am very much a believer of straight up blunt facts.
Twin Flame Question – 1
Here is a collection of Twin Flame Question I have come across and answered over various social media and websites. If you would like to submit a question for Twin Flame Questions you can do that via Conscious Bites FAQ.
Group Soul Being – Prt 4
Have more than one twin flame? Then you are not a twin flame… your in a Collective Connection!
Unified Dual Aspect Being – Prt 3
As update on Unified Dual Aspect Being from my own understanding of what is going on for me as started in Dual Aspect Being, I have finally been able to connect how it follows on from Twin Flames, just like mentioned in my last article on the topic: Sacred Heart. The link article above was the …
The Sacred Heart -Prt 2
So, if this Sacred Heart is not a Twin Flame thing and everything that ‘seemed’ to be Twin Flame was simply to quickly catch me up on previous growth in other dimensions, who is this ‘man I love and haven’t met yet’?. That I have known about from Soul Memories and always been aware of?
Dual Aspect Being – Prt 1
This is my own personal understanding of a Dual Aspect Being based on my awareness of state of being over the last 20 years. I was at first mistaking it as being a ‘Twin Flame‘ yet as I went it was obvious that whilst similar, it was also different. Very different.