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A Personal Exploration of Spirituality & Life

Individual vs Shared Reality. Consciousness vs Dream.

I am tired of that feeling in the dreams where everything I do gets ‘sucked up’ into other peoples lives or they do their own thing with it, usually to the detriment of my plan/desire and the health of the things itself. (In last nights case, my brothers sudden desire to place my small aquarium fish in the huge pond leading to the feeding of the larger pond fish when I wanted to separate them out between my old and larger new aquarium).


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Consciousness, Reality and the Two

So really, as I see of me, is the same I see of him.. just his avatar in this reality of form. An indirect expression in a sense. T is what my Partner is experiencing and expressing himself as, but its not him. As its me. Both my experience expressions. Its me in another experience and expression of/as me. That sounds about right.. there had been this feeling of not quite getting it yet.. but that seems to just about hit the nail on the head.


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What the Heart Remembers

Speaking to Loz I realised that my ‘knowing’ I should feel something.. is most likely coming from my memories/past of feeling this him/connection/feeling. Back then it was normal to feel it all, yet now, is not then. Thinking, feeling I SHOULD be feeling/aware of this is what is causing me this black hole where there appears to be something ‘missing’ which is giving me the pain and loss, loneliness and why I comfort myself!


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Unified Dual Aspect Being – Prt 3


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Ascension & Awakening .. Alternative Concepts?

Is there such a thing? Of course there is!

‘Ascension’, ‘awakening’ are all concepts and ideas of what is happening and anyone who read this sites mission statement will understand where this post is coming from.

I am all about giving the best, most up to date and closest matching concepts and understandings based on my own time and experience. This is very much one of those posts.


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