This Twin Flame Progression article is something of a follow on from Twin Flames – Feeling Missing or Incomplete. You may like to read that first if the title connects to something for you. What is missing is how you initially can become aware of the progress.. or lack of, in this case. It is a blank space in yourself where work is yet to be started.
What Twin Flame Progression Exactly?
This is all a long term, ongoing process, so progression is what it is about. Progression is how you know you are doing your work, that is it effective and what you are here for. Expanding your understanding and awareness, not just your mental understanding, but your energetic awareness of what is.
In twin flame progress, it is about further your own, individual expansion of your awareness of ‘self’. I say ‘furthering’ as the ‘TF’ part of the process comes later. When you have already done your own, individual work on yourself and have the foundations needed to then start on the TF end of the process. This is why most have long spans of many years ‘separation’. It is so they can get this foundation in place first and whilst I call it a foundation, the amount of work is more equalling half a skyscraper.
There is NO way around this. The only way this separation will be drastically shortened is if you have really been working hard on your own individual process that would have started several years BEFORE you met your TF. Awakening, Inner work, dark nights, kundalini, the whole lot. If you have been dragging your feet and you meet… expect a longer separation, though do not blame the other, its your fault for not taking it seriously at the beginning.
You can not sit around waiting for things to happen, that isn’t progress, that is stagnation. Neither should you be sat around waiting for them to do something. Even if you ‘know’ (truly) that you have done the work you need for the next phase and it isn’t happening.. look again. What are you NOT seeing? It might be work you need to do but a realisation that you are missing. Maybe they need to finish up something, in which case, in the meantime find something you CAN do.
Stage Perspective of What is Missing
This is based on the main stages of progression that my perspective has undergone over the last 20 years in regarding to my Twin Flame Progression.
At first there is nothing, just a hole. It can be perceived or felt as empty space, darkness, blackness or even a black hole that seems to have this sensation of dragging things in. Most often this can be felt in the chest though it can also be sensed in a non-specific way. It is the awareness of a gap where something SHOULD be. With it comes feelings of depression, pointlessness, apathy.
Twin Flame
With the arrival of the TF this perspective then shifts of course on the said TF. The person, this person somehow triggers all the feelings connected to this ‘space’. The sense of incomplete and missing changes into despair, pain, distress. The sense of desperation to fill this missing core part of us makes us ‘chase’ the other, yet at the same time, we run out of fear of ourselves and our vulnerability. This is where we need to surrender and detach. We cannot unify from this state of pain and desperation.
As we do this we start the long gentle slide into surrender as we focus on ourselves and start to really look at ourselves. We start our self exploration, awareness, healings and our own true spiritual path carries on. I was in this phase for a good decade after my TF process started, which was a good decade after my own awakening had begun.
The next two phases all came in within the space of two weeks.
First during one of the times I felt the heart longing and sadness (they will still arise everyone now and then but only a bittersweet dullness). I felt my attention ‘go over’ like I was looking away though instead of my awareness manifesting my TF, It was ‘me’. I missed ‘me’ and I wanted ‘me’ back. It wasnt something I made myself think it was just natural. I knew TF was ‘me’ for a long time mentally but it was the first time I had fully unified TF with myself to the point I would just say ‘me’. It was me I missed. Not me that is him or me that is TF, no separation, just me.
Of course this made me wonder.. then if I miss me, then I obviously cannot be this me, so how can I miss me if I am already me? I knew this had nothing to do with ‘ego’ or ‘self’ I had worked through most of that so I knew this was something new. This baked my noodle for a few minutes so I did my usual routine to accept and allow myself to re align with new information and I let it sit for a week.
We all know our TF is us. That we are him. Though unfortunately many people are still sat comfortably in and as their ego/false self, thus they see them as our ego/self. Which, in turn, is known for being incredibly possessive, fearful and controlling.. sounds familiar? This is where this behaviour comes from.
‘If he is me that he needs to do and be what I want, what I think as I control my reality’. In a sense, by letting our TF go, we are letting go of that false/ego self too. That isn’t what we want. Is it really what you want? Thus we go through our processes to become what was truly missing along.
How you come about this is up to you though in the end ‘soul’ is where I ended up. What I missed was my ‘soul’. Again.. does this makes sense? Can you NOT have your soul? I realised a re-understanding of what ‘soul’ is was needed and it wasn’t what was mass believed. Though I knew by the mass emotional outburst it created that is was accurate. THAT was why I missed him, me my soul SO much. He was that soul and I was his soul. I will not share what I found ‘soul’ to actually be, you need to discover it on your own. That is the process.. and ‘the way’.
Now, I need to add as a footnote here. Reading this Twin Flame Progression and thinking you now have this… it doesn’t work this way. This is awareness perspective I am talking about, NOT mental perspective. This article is to give you a helping hand to understand where you are. If you cant tell or dont know the difference between awareness/reality perspective and mental perspective.. your are still in your mental perspective which is one of the first two stages. Which is fine, just keep doing your work.
Written by Conscious Libre
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