There is generic knowledge that a human will awaken and ascend during the spiritual journey, yet I am not a fan of generic information. Being overly simplified it misses out the finer details that help to understand the experience. Finer understanding can even BE a requirement of realisation to ascend. So here is the difference between a Human Awakening & Spiritual Ascension.
Read more: Human Awakening & Spiritual AscensionWhat is Involved?
The basis of Human Awakening & Spiritual Ascension is our consciousness.
In this article I will be talking about the human experience, what I have started to call ‘local consciousness’. Then there is the higher dimensional consciousness, the spiritual, ‘non-local consciousness’.
We also have awareness leading to an awakening.
Awareness and Awakening are not the same thing. You can be aware of energy, know about it, even feel it, though that doesn’t mean you are awakened.
Then you have Ascension.
When we raise our frequency, the idea is to raise it enough to slip into the next set of frequencies and ascend our consciousness into the next dimensional layer of our consciousness.
So What is Awakening?
The soul, spirit, higher dimensional consciousness is always aware and awake.
The awakening we speak of is that of the ‘human’, the ‘local consciousness’. This is the personal spiritual awakening that anyone on a spiritual journey will go through. If you are part of a same soul connection, this is work we do on ourselves, often during the separation stages if our Partner was the one to trigger our journey.
The start of awareness is when we start to become aware of the non-local consciousness. It often is felt ‘around’ us, like we sense something at a distance. We become aware there is ‘something else there’. Sometimes we can sense there SHOULD be something there. Like all of this journey, it is a process. Usually a long one.
Then, at some point later, we have the realisation. The blowing open of the tiny mind-based consciousness and we become awakened to the ‘non-local consciousness’.
It is nothing to do with our belief, thought, knowledge or understanding. All of that is only of the mind-based consciousness, our initial starting local consciousness, often referred to as 3D consciousness. Even if you believe in multi-dimensions, spirits etc.. if you never break out of that mind consciousness, you are not awakened.
It is possible for people to start with a higher dimensional consciousness if they are already from a higher dimension. For example, someone with their Higher Self on the 8D of their non-local consciousness they may start with a 4D or 5D local consciousness. In this situation the human still needs to go through the awareness and awakening journey, which includes all the inner and shadow work.
So when the boundaries open we start to integrate back into this new layer of our consciousness.
So What is Ascension?
Humans do not ascend. They only awaken to what DOES ascend, the consciousness. Once the human has awakening and re-joined the rest of the consciousness the ascension process can begin.
Ascension is the climb up through these new layers of dimensional consciousness. We raise frequency, become aware of a distant new layer, then the boundaries blow open and we start to integrate into that new layer. The cycles repeats until we reach the layer of our highest self that initially ‘came down’.
How does it differ with a twin flame?
When there is Twin Flame ascension involved, this part of the process only starts when both local consciousness’ have re-joined the non-local consciousness and have ascended up to the level or two just prior to where their shared Higher Self is.
If they are a Monadic Twin, this could be the layer of this Monadic Twin, or the next layer above this. In this case the Twin Flame Union is the merging back into this shared Higher Self.
Due to the joint overall consciousness it is still possible to ‘sense’ the twin’s presence within. After a while, you should start to sense your own energetic presence within also. You will be able to identify it as (your name) but you will not be directly it, it is an individual yet a small part of you floating inside. When this happens you have broken out of the ID/energetic self and into one of you higher consciousness layers. Both twin energetic selves are now ‘sensed’ within your local energy.
For example:
Twin Flames with their Higher Self on 5D – each in the pair will need to awaken on the human layer first. Then they will re-join the rest of the consciousness and ascend up to 4D. Then the two individuals will break through 4D and re-join together, merging to become the 5D joint Higher Self.
Monadic with their Higher selves on 8D – each in the pair will need to awaken on the human layer first. Then they will re-join the rest of the consciousness and ascend up to 7D. Then the two individuals will break through 7D and re-join the individual Higher Selves. Then they may also will break through 8D together, merging the Higher Selves to become the 9D joint Higher Self.