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The Absolute Basics. What is a Twin Flame Part 1

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

I feel it is time to address something which is the FOUNDATION of all same-soul connections yet barely mentioned in the Twin Flame community and concepts. The Twin Flame Basics.

New comers tend to not have a clue about this as it is presented as a ‘stand alone’ experience hence so many mistake romance and even worse, abusive and toxic relationships as TF. So please have a read of this and share it around as much as you can!

A Twin Flame, Monadic, Twin Soul, Multi-Flame and Collective Connection is a dynamic and only exists WITHIN a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING.

What ISN’T a Twin Flame, Monadic, Twin Soul, Multi-Flame and Collective Connection?

To truly begin to understand what something IS, you must also understand what it is NOT…

I am putting this first as it seems to be were MANY people get dragged into something else entirely whilst using the same label, thus all the ‘shadows’ of these following situations are projected at the true soul connection experience out of sheer ignorance to the fact they are two different things.

What Twin Flame Basics are NOT is :

ALL of these misconnected to TF above are the result of either:

What IS a Twin Flame, Monadic, Twin Soul, Multi-Flame and Collective Connection?

What it is, is usually beyond many peoples initial scope to not only understand but to accept.

For many it goes too far beyond what their minds can be open to accept as ‘real’. This is why most fall into the above mentioned illusions of what they THINK a ‘Twin flame’ is, because they dont have the ability to understand anything outside of their everyday 3D reality and life.

What it is:

Due to this:

What is the purpose of such a Connection and Experience?

Well the clue to this is in that oh so important sentence I will say again:

A Twin Flame, Monadic, Twin Soul, Multi-Flame and Collective Connection is a dynamic and only exists WITHIN a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING..

‘Spiritual Awakening’ without this there is no soul connection, no twin flames, as they are the state of the journey and path that Soul/Being has chosen to experience.

It will ALWAYS be about that awakening, that growth, that ascension of all involved. This is the primary function, purpose, meaning, reason, mission, goal of BEING in such a connection.

I will not go into what a ‘spiritual awakening is’ in this article. This cannot be understand by reading and knowledge alone, just the same way you cant fully understand a trees existence from just reading about trees, only by becoming a tree yourself. You learn to ‘recognise’ a tree, but not understand a tree. As such only those actually experiencing the connection, can understand the connection.

The only way to learn what a ‘spiritual awakening’ is, what a soul connection, twin flame etc REALLY is, is by experience. Experience of both the Spiritual Self Awakening and the connection itself. Only by progressing, growing, expanding your own reality and self beyond the 3D can you truly recognise these through the experience and process that they are.

Continue reading Twin Flame Basics:

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