Tag: What are Multi Flames?
Group Soul Features – Infograph
What is a Group Soul? What are Group Soul Features? Not be be confused with a ‘Soul Group’ which is many individual and independent souls that group together. This is rather like work colleagues of the same business or pupils of a class. Check out these quick Group Soul Features that tell it apart! Further …
The Absolute Basics. What is a Twin Flame Part 1
I feel it is time to address something which is the FOUNDATION of Twin Flames yet barely mentioned in the Twin Flame community and concepts. New comers tend to not have a clue about this as it is presented as a ‘stand alone’ experience hence so many mistake romance and even worse, abusive and toxic relationships as TF. So please have a read of this and share it around as much as you can!
A Twin Flame, Monadic, Twin Soul, Multi-Flame and Collective Connection is a dynamic and only exists WITHIN a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING.