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A Personal Exploration of Spirituality & Life

Unified Dual Aspect Being – Prt 3


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Intro to Divination with Tools

Divination can be a bit of a murky puddle at first, mainly due to the general acceptance of what it is believed to be. The images of the fortune teller tents are a ready example, yet they only show a very stereotypical face of divination. This type of Divination is highly commercialised around the future and is often used to bump up the ego with what it has coming its way that it can possess at a later date.


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The Reoccurring Conundrum – Internal Conflict – To Be Or Not To Be

This has come around a few times for me. Should I be making this blog open to the public or should it be private?

I can see pro’s and con’s for both yet today it has hit me again.Part of me feels it should not be up for just anyone to read and immediately calls for me to hit the ‘private’ button before turning my attention to youtube. I went half way and hit the button for asking search engines to not list it. Yeah, maybe not THE best ‘cop out’ though, though its a half way point until I resolve this.


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Maze of Forgetfulness

‘You wont let go of you, because you fear him’…were the words that arose up from my sub conscious one morning. You…The last layer of self. Fear…the perception of trickery and deceit. Him…the new energy, space, victory of the Core and faith…Tarot is proving an extremely handy window when my writing isnt enough to start the journey into such arising. (more…)

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The Price of the False Self

It is interesting how you can try to discover hidden beliefs and behaviours to release them, you know they are there but you can’t ‘see’ them. You can’t see the root to grab and yank it up for good.

Yet sometimes they just appear naturally there, as if served up for you without really having to try, just by allowing yourself to run the course. (more…)

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The I No Longer Exists

(This article ‘I no longer exists’ is infact a continuation of thought stream from the previous article)…

I am aware of what I perceive. Though that includes such as emotion and thought as part of the reality. I have been in other realities that have thought and emotion also though. So they do not solely exist in this reality, plane alone.

Maybe ‘physical’ emotion is that difference? Some emotion I feel is no longer physical but expressed differently or through a chakra as energy.

Breaking it Down

Me = Self/personality       I = Individual awareness/consciousness          ?

There is something about this ‘I’ that I am unsure of. It doesnt feel right. The sense of ‘I’.


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Higher Self, Self, I, Human. Letting go Ownership of Ascension

Me, myself and I.

I feel that state and energy around me today. The shuffling of being uncomfortable suddenly and needing to slightly re-adjust something. Like too tight jeans that are pinching.

This is following a feeling of searching a quick talk with my tarot and I realised that all my ‘work’ was never for me, the Self. I was made to be/do the work. You could even say ‘is’ the work. Either way, I accept it may never do anything for me, or have been for me to start with.


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