Tag: duality
Twin Flames FAQ – Part 5
If you would like to submit a question for Twin Flames FAQ you can do that via Conscious Bites FAQ. Have you dreamt of your twin flame when you were a child? I didnt dream of the person no, though I did dream of trying to find someone. It was a regular dream I had …
A Spiritual Perspective of Gender ID
Not many realise that there is a Spiritual perspective of Gender ID and expression. They are also part of spiritual awakening, healing and self-acceptance. Self-Awareness and Self-Acceptance. No, it isnt ‘just a label’. That is a very 3D perspective from an ego that doesn’t like to be labelled and thus controlled. This is not enlightened …
‘The Four of God’ – Prt 7
A long time coming (and ushered on by request) its time to attempt to write a catch-up of what has been going on in my personal connection experience. This is all my personal experience and based on over a decade of my own working and experience, over 70% of which is not written out anywhere. …
Same-Soul Connection Dynamics
All same-soul connections – Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Twin Rays, Collectives, Monadic, Original Soul Families, Hiveminds – are in fact many names for what is actually the SAME thing. One Being that is experiencing itself in various different states of many.
Dual Aspect Being – Prt 1
This is my own personal understanding of a Dual Aspect Being based on my awareness of state of being over the last 20 years. I was at first mistaking it as being a ‘Twin Flame‘ yet as I went it was obvious that whilst similar, it was also different. Very different.
A Rising Sense of Hopelessness
As it sets in, your limbs start to feel heavy, like it is suddenly becoming a burden, this thing that no longer seems to serve any value. A sense of hopelessness starts to set in as an inward sigh of resignation sounds. You know there is no point in doing it yet again, yet what …
Changing to Cruise Control in the Middle Lane
I have noticed it over the past few days though it only occurred to me yesterday that I was finally slipping out of my old system and patterns of the healing and self-development state.
Maze of Forgetfulness
‘You wont let go of you, because you fear him’…were the words that arose up from my sub conscious one morning. You…The last layer of self. Fear…the perception of trickery and deceit. Him…the new energy, space, victory of the Core and faith…Tarot is proving an extremely handy window when my writing isnt enough to start …
The I No Longer Exists
(This article ‘I no longer exists’ is infact a continuation of thought stream from the previous article)… I am aware of what I perceive. Though that includes such as emotion and thought as part of the reality. I have been in other realities that have thought and emotion also though. So they do not solely …
Withdrawing Physical Reality Tethers
Realised last night that my insecurity was simply due to the fact I had realised and removed the basis and stable foundation to which I saw as a root of myself and life. A very physical attachment of security and ‘need’ for existence. Removing them = insecure. Mental attachment to physical and external ‘things’ in …
Becoming the Rainbow
Its dawning on me how I separate ‘here’ (the physical), the astral and what I consider ‘spiritual’ occurrences and the process of ascension. I seem to keep looking ‘here’ for the results of the process that I perceive in the astral. Though what if what happens in the astral IS my spiritual/ascension results and growth?
Higher Self, Self, I, Human. Letting go Ownership of Ascension
Me, myself and I. I feel that state and energy around me today. The shuffling of being uncomfortable suddenly and needing to slightly re-adjust something. Like too tight jeans that are pinching. This is following a feeling of searching a quick talk with my tarot and I realised that all my ‘work’ was never for …
Higher Self, Self, I, Human. Letting go Ownership of AscensionRead More