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A Personal Exploration of Spirituality & Life

Intro to Divination with Tools

Divination can be a bit of a murky puddle at first, mainly due to the general acceptance of what it is believed to be. The images of the fortune teller tents are a ready example, yet they only show a very stereotypical face of divination. This type of Divination is highly commercialised around the future and is often used to bump up the ego with what it has coming its way that it can possess at a later date.


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An Introduction to Your Energy Body


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‘Negative Energy’ – The Simple Truth

When it comes to the general spiritual community I would say to use EXTREME CAUTION! Especially when it comes to the idea of negative energy.

There is a  ‘common/generic spiritual belief system’ which one can hear starting out which are just as toxic as some ‘social norm’ beliefs. For some reason in being ‘spiritual concept’ are considered somehow ‘better than’, even though they follow the same patterns and lead them to the same places. They just switch a few words out and replace them with alternatives.


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The Truth of Raising Vibration & Frequency

The trouble is that usually this is followed by two major misunderstandings.

  1. What a ‘High Vibration’ is
  2. How to raise vibration

So what is a ‘High Vibration’?

First of all its helpful to know some basics.  Do you know what it is, that this is the vibration/frequency of?


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The Reoccurring Conundrum – Internal Conflict – To Be Or Not To Be

This has come around a few times for me. Should I be making this blog open to the public or should it be private?

I can see pro’s and con’s for both yet today it has hit me again.Part of me feels it should not be up for just anyone to read and immediately calls for me to hit the ‘private’ button before turning my attention to youtube. I went half way and hit the button for asking search engines to not list it. Yeah, maybe not THE best ‘cop out’ though, though its a half way point until I resolve this.


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Ohh.. ‘Highly Sensitive Person’?

Is this agoraphobia or am I a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? If I am HSP could this, through misunderstanding, have lead to anxiety and fear and created the phobia?

HSP is when you have an inherent high awareness of the external and internal. (NOT to be confused with any spiritual or metaphysical awareness). The over-stimulation leading to fear and anxiety, especially when you do not know what is going on and think something is wrong and your weak or not normal.


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