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A Personal Exploration of Spirituality & Life

8D-9D Ascension ‘Do it ALL again!’ – Prt 10

This is all my personal experience, based on over two decades of my own growth and progression of my group soul and same soul connections and how it ties into a personal spiritual awakening and ascension Journey. This article is a work in progress of 8D-9D Ascension.

As this is a series it may be easier to understand how I arrived here by reading the previous parts first, starting with :

Read more: 8D-9D Ascension ‘Do it ALL again!’ – Prt 10

Great, now do it ALL again in only ONE life!

Most of what I have been writing about up to now is me ‘catching’ up on previous soul growth that happened in other lives in other dimensions. This ‘catch up’ along with this life’s actual new growth has taken me a good 25 years so far. I never understood why it took so long. Now I am getting an even more of an idea why.

This life’s journey has been to go through everything 3D+ all over again, crammed into one life.

So why am I doing it all over again?

8D consciousness (as shown to me) is one existence that incorporates all dimensions 1D-7D at the same time. Thus in this 8D life, all that I experienced and remember through my soul memories, exists. It is happening in this life also. Hence my ‘soul memories’ (as mentioned in the previous article) have all been happening again.

What is going on in this life then?

This brings me up to my current work. Ascension from 8D-9D Ascension, where I am in this life. My two main connections, have again come up recently, try as I might to focus on one. It wants to me understand this new level, this new understanding. To stop looking backwards and stop separating them or ‘choose and lose’ between them.

My Monadic Twin Higher Selves already merged in union on the 6D, having all happened in a previous life. (This is covered in this part):

This, with the ‘going through it all again’ is what I am experiencing with my current connection that strongly resembles that 6D higher self. So this connection with him is that 6D union were we merged our energies, yet not just a ‘repeat’ of union from 5D to 6D. It is part of the process of 8D-9D Ascension of having to go through 3d+ all over again as it incorporates all the others inside of it! Hence its similar, but with a difference.

So what is the ‘difference’ this time around?

The main difference (as well as remember what it was like the first time and knowing what it all feels like) is that I have had this other connection running along side it. Both connections I have had astral initial meetings with as well as multiple dream and astral met ups since I was a teen. They are also both present in the Story (memories), though the later is only briefly mentioned at the end.

Now this other connection is ‘the same but different’. Its the same because he is the same Being/Soul as me, yet it is different because with him our union is that of the 9D. Rather then being ‘merged’ in energy like on the 6D, our ‘point of merging’ is in a total different state and place and experience. (There has been no union yet).

This is the NEW new part of the journey to which I have NO previous memories to know what to do, what is going on or what will happen.

The Part in this series that covers this level of connection is here:

Looking at it now to link it, what I wrote back then matches what I am saying now rather well and I wrote that back in 2019!

That sacred heart is where we connect and merge. It isnt the ‘heart chakra’ this is something different. This is much deeper than the energetic 6D merge and union. It feels more profound, more ‘to the point’, focused in some way.

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