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Twin Flames FAQs Part 6

Questions from the internet (mainly quora) by other people I have answered and just collecting them into one place.

Why do I no longer feel triggered by my twin flame?

  1. They were a catalyst and you learnt your lesson thus no longer triggered.
  2. You have blocked them out , knowingly or not, and they can no longer trigger you through power of denial.
  3. You have reached a level of boundaries and understanding of yourself where you have healed many of the things with you and/or you know ‘its not him that is the problem’.

How do we gauge our TF journey when we keep going through the same periods of hollowness across years?

You can ‘gauge’ your journey when by those periods themselves.

As you progress (properly) those periods will start to happen less often. They wont last as long and they wont feel so deep, intense or ‘painful’.

That is one way you can gauge your journey. However, its important to know the difference between blocking it out and it genuinely not being there to start with.

So if that isnt improving, you are not improving (so to speak). It will most likely always ‘show up’ in some form until you reach full union. Though that is ok to. As long as you have done all you can in each moment, accept that and not look back with regret, that is all ok.

In my twin flame journey, my heart and logic began to synchronize. Is this situation related to surrender?

Heart and logic synchronizing sounds more like harmony between the heart//mind connection. They align and they are no long in conflict with what each thing that is happening or not happening. Thus they start to work together.

If it is the case, your mind should be able to accept and understand what your heart is experiencing. The heart can experience separately from the mind. Even if the mind isnt experiencing it, it should be able to accept it as a truth. Its just a truth coming in via another source or input.

What happens when the chaser slowly starts setting boundaries with the runner?

Setting boundaries how?

The chaser shouldnt be setting boundaries for the runner, the chaser (if they are doing their work) should be setting boundaries for THEMSELVES due to the fact they are chasing.

To find out WHY they are chasing and set boundaries to stop that wildly running after things that does not actually serve or help them or the connection in anyway.

What does it do to the runner? That doesnt matter, do dont things with the thought that it might affect the runner or make them change at all. Yes it might influence them, but that is the whole WRONG reasons and wont result in the change YOU need as at the foundation of that your chasing remains. Doing something with the hope or thought it will affect the other and make them change or come back is STILL chasing.

Is it possible that both the chaser and runner TF stalk (follow discretely) each other at the same period of time in social media?

People are not soly chasers or runners. We each do BOTH at the same time, to think we only do one shows lack of self-awareness and too closely following a ‘mental concept’ that ‘Twin flames’ is.

You need to go on your OWN experience and self. That is what is really happening. Not talking is running, stalking on social media is chasing. We are not so simple a creature that we can only do one at once.

Is there a phase where the TF chaser loses interest in the runner? I’ve lost interest in my twin flame. I’ve blocked him and I feel a disinterest when he reaches out. I questioned my experience for the last 6 years but something tells me he is my TF.

Sounds to me like you switched from ‘chaser’ to ‘runner’ to be honest. ALl your expectations you gave up on and you didnt want anything more to do with them as they were not meeting those wants and expectations. (Assuming this IS your TF).

‘Blocking’ is what you do when you run, when you deny and shut out. If you really lost interest you wouldnt have felt you had to do this at all.

Why won’t my celebrity twin flame message me on social media after I have sent the direction messages? Is it because they have a partner?

Separation is separation. Separation starts when the first of you is born. Messages arnt separation.

Just because you came across them doesnt mean you will or should be in touch. Most celebrity TF have long periods (read years) of only being aware of them without any communication at all.

Like all such connections there is a long period of work that is needed. They cant give you any answers either.

Since union can happen when inner work is done, what is one main sign that you are healed on the twin flame path?

Inner work is SO MUCH MORE than simply ‘being healed’.

Being healed is literally the start, if not only the prep for the real ascension and awakening.

Once you are healed you are now READY to really begin your work, it isnt the end.

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