I can not say how long I have been wanting (lusting) after this Nefertari Tarot deck. The gold itself had me in a frenzy, I always wanted a gold foil deck and this one completed my Triple Egyptian Decks beautifully! It is the Tarot Nefertari by Silvana Alasia. ‘The Light of Egypt Ramses’ Bride’
(more…)Review: Egyptian Tarot (Grand Trumps)
Sometimes, I just wish I could separate the major arcana from my decks. Though that would take a while and when you want a quick reading its too much effect. So here we have the first of my Triple Egyptian Deck. The Egyptian Tarot – Grand Trumps by Silvana Alasia. Nothing but the major arcana. I have had these since November 2017.
(more…)My Higher Self is..Ascending?
I am writing this follow on as now, a day or so later it is starting to dawn on me just what has been going on!
After my energy working, later that day, I brought my Higher Self in to ground, root and balance with her. As this was happening I was visited suddenly by a jackal headed, extremely well built entity who I picked up as ‘Guardian’ who was returning. (more…)
Blog of Justice. Bringing Clarity to the Loss of Self and Twin.
This sort of sums it up really. My solo mission is to bring Justice to the loss and ‘losing’ element of going through a spiritual awakening and soul connection. Not just that but with being incarnated at all. The sense of what is to be lost, already is lost and what never actually was to start with. Tarot: Justice and 5 of swords. The sum point of my last 16 years of writing and its taken this long for me to work this through. (more…)
Maze of Forgetfulness
‘You wont let go of you, because you fear him’…were the words that arose up from my sub conscious one morning. You…The last layer of self. Fear…the perception of trickery and deceit. Him…the new energy, space, victory of the Core and faith…Tarot is proving an extremely handy window when my writing isnt enough to start the journey into such arising. (more…)
Faery Wicca Tarot Deck Review
Faery Wicca Tarot was my first tarot deck that was bought as a gift when my brother went to the US for work. I have to admit, I wasnt nearly ready for this deck. I was far to inexperienced. Over 5 years later it is my current tarot deck since I retired my best deck in hopes this would bring new energy and messages.