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A Personal Exploration of Spirituality & Life

Tests and Trials – The Closing Chapter

Ok, there it it. I even gave it a heading to set the intent.

This is the closing chapter of the test and trials I and We have been undergoing.

We have been placed into the complete opposition of what we were hoping to move into and become. Why was this? Did we know? Maybe this IS the path to get there? Though if that was the case then why a test or trial first? To see if we are ready? Surely that isn’t needed as if you are ready you would simply be and who would test us? Who has the right to doubt or need to deem us worthy except ourselves and our judgement OF ourselves and each other?


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The Truth of Raising Vibration & Frequency

The trouble is that usually this is followed by two major misunderstandings.

  1. What a ‘High Vibration’ is
  2. How to raise vibration

So what is a ‘High Vibration’?

First of all its helpful to know some basics.  Do you know what it is, that this is the vibration/frequency of?


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My Higher Self is..Ascending?

I am writing this follow on as now, a day or so later it is starting to dawn on me just what has been going on!

After my energy working, later that day, I brought my Higher Self in to ground, root and balance with her.  As this was happening I was visited suddenly by a jackal headed,  extremely well built entity who I picked up as ‘Guardian’ who was returning. (more…)

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