Tag: multi flames
Group Soul Features – Infograph
What is a Group Soul? What are Group Soul Features? Not be be confused with a ‘Soul Group’ which is many individual and independent souls that group together. This is rather like work colleagues of the same business or pupils of a class. Check out these quick Group Soul Features that tell it apart! Further …
‘Group Soul’ Prt 8
This is all my personal experience, based on over a decade of my own growth and progression of my same soul connections of multi flame group soul and how it ties into a personal spiritual awakening and ascension Journey. As this is a series it may be easier to understand how I arrived here by …
What is a Twin Flame Spiritual Growth & Experience. Part 2
..’perfect love and relationship’ is flawed in its creation, it comes from the fantasy of a wounded mind and heart which, in its current state, is unable to exist in such a high, harmonious and stable state. Such states only exist within our healed and harmonious inner selves – which the spiritual awakening and ascension brings… and then some!
New to Twin Flames/Souls/Multi-Flames?
For those completely new to all same-soul connections (twin flame, twin flame, collective) and most likely spirituality itself.
There are some harsh truths in here that you may not want to hear.. though I am very much a believer of straight up blunt facts.
Same-Soul Connection Dynamics
All same-soul connections – Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Twin Rays, Collectives, Monadic, Original Soul Families, Hiveminds – are in fact many names for what is actually the SAME thing. One Being that is experiencing itself in various different states of many.