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A Personal Exploration of Spirituality & Life

Twin Flame Journey – Free Will Experience vs Souls Plan

Is everything in a twin flame journey really ‘part of the journey’ or ‘all planned’? If so, where is the human element of free will to choose? If there is no human will to experience, then what would be the point of having a human experience at all?

Free Will – The Soul’s Experience as a Self.

The whole point of being here, on earth as a human is to have a ‘self-experience’. That is, a contained point of experience, ‘a self’, seemingly individual from the overall soul consciousness. Not knowing it is even a soul. No memories or knowledge as the soul, of being that soul.

It is all about the experience as that Self, not what the Self experiences, not the world or what happens there, that is just the sandbox, the stage. Its all bout that ‘Self’ and the experience of being such. As such, it has its own free will to understand, judge and decide by itself. The Soul is not in charge. It does not directly make the decisions for the Self. The Self(in its un-awakened and un-ascended) has full autonomy. That is what makes it a free will experience separate to the Soul. Or at least the illusion of it.

Twin Flame Journey – Soul’s Set Plans & Goals

The twin flame Journey, has a purpose.

There needs to be an element of ‘agreement’ if you are a Monadic Flame, the two Souls need to be in agreement or any plan one makes will never come about. Though for Split Twin Flames (split incarnations, not soul) there is no one to agree with so the plan itself is only needed.

It is not an agreement or plan between the ‘Selves’. The Journey (as well as ‘selves’) is higher dimensional and is being projected and translated into this physical reality. So there is the ‘Plan’, then there is the ‘Experience’.

Experience of Self having Twin Flame Journey

Happening on two very different layers and realities of our Consciousness, it is often hard to connect the two due to our un-awakened and un-ascended state. Translation differences between dimensions as well as each selves ability to translate that yet again into understanding and judgement of our current dimensional consciousness can lead to many variations, twists and distortions.

Sometimes it can be hard to understand which is which. ‘Self-Experience’s free will choice’ or ‘The higher dimensional plan of the Soul’. This deviation of perspective is part of the Self-Experience, yet it is all rectified in the Spiritual Journey that happens as the main aspect in the Twin Flame Journey.

What causes this Deviation?

This deviation itself is an effect of the selves non-alignment and disharmony between these layers of Self Journey and Soul (twin Flame) Journey.

In our Self-Experience, this other reality can seem to have its own separate layer that is outside of the Self-Experience. Above us, within us yet not actually personal to us. It can seem like its happening far away to another.

The ‘selves’ are often in a flux in frequencies, especially if they have not yet stabilised. This can lead to us getting ‘behind schedule’ as we miss opportunistic or decisional events. Usually this is due to our free will as to whether to accept something, deal with something and the decision to do, or not do.

Intersection – Plan & Experience – How does it work?

Soul plan is a pre-meditated set of fixed milestones of experiences and events designed to lead the selves to a desired outcome (union) for that life.

However, there is no fixed road to take to you. You can take road A, B, C or even carve a new road and take as long as you choose, as long as you get to the next point. These events (not all) in our life act as turning points by Soul to offer and help us make those choices to get there. This is the intersection where the two met as fixed points, the milestones. Sometimes it is a chance or a choice we are given. Other times, the only choice is to accept or not what just happened, though this never changes the fact of what happened.

Our Spiritual Journey and personal awakening proceeds, sometimes in time with the Soul preset planned events, both physical and spiritual. Sometimes at our free wills’ choice or decision and/or acceptance.

Spiritual Ascension is another long term process, that happens after Spiritual Awakening. It is the the descent/ascent of the layers coming together into the Self-Experience that is being had.

As we ascend the metaphysical distance between these layers, spaces, diminishes until they start to bleed into each other. Eventually they merge and become one unified reality in our Self-Experience. This continue until we reach our ‘goal’ dimensional consciousness for this life.

Physical Plan vs Soul Plan

This is where it can get tricky.

As well as the Souls Plan there can also be a plan between the selves happening alongside.

Are these the ‘same plan’? Not necessarily.

There needs to be enough alignment and harmony with both selves to have a significant enough a merger so the plan can play out with minimal translational glitches of Experience & Soul. This way both selves are able to be aware of the higher reality and Plan and enact it with enough accuracy to create a stable goal.

Without this, there will lots of ‘he wont answer me back’, ‘we came together then they/I ran the next day’ etc. This is because the human selves own plan of where they ‘think’ they are, is jumping way too far ahead than where they actually are . They are not in alignment, so either it never happens, or it doesnt last long. Their plan, is their minds plan, not the Soul’s plan.

However, even if we can see the road to the next milestone, even plan it ourselves consciously, we might not yet be in complete alignment to be able to see it through with ‘action’. This is a very much a ‘I will deal with it on the way there’, then failing to do so. So you end up at the milestone gates, unable to take it any further.

This is why we need to be in an energetic, mental and emotional alignment and why we go through the personal process of Spiritual Awakening and Ascension first. As only then we are where we need to be for the Twin Flame part of the Journey to fully be understood and unfold as it is meant to by Soul’s Design.

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