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It is a Twin Flame Motivation, Not a Sin

These days it is common in the community general information to read or be told that you should feel nothing for your Twin and to be so detached that you have no wants, desires or feelings at all. This is true.. if you are dealing with a karmic or abusive 3d relationship… anything BUT a Twin Flame!

‘Separation’ is that twin flame motivation to get us moving on our journey TOWARDS ourself and in doing so our Twin, not away!

The love, alignment and the wanting to be with them it brings, is that motivation TOWARDS ourself and our Twin, not away!

It is not a sin to want to be with the other person. It is not a sin to love them, to desire and choose to be with them. It is not a sin to think about them.

Read more: It is a Twin Flame Motivation, Not a Sin

Focusing too much on the map and not the terrain.

Using the ‘The map is not the terrain’ from NLP, many people are guilty of this when it comes to the Twin Flame Journey. They read about the Journey and follow the ‘map’ they have read to try get to where they want to go. They completely ignore the terrain they come across, assuming anything in the terrain that is not on the map is somehow ‘false’ or ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’. They then proceed to try to cut it away, chase it away or just deny its existence if nothing else works.

This leads to straight out rejection of their own human feelings, desire, emotions and self. Now, does that sound very ‘spiritual awakened’ to you? They judge themselves, admonish themselves and block and stuff parts of them selves down and away in the pursuit of ‘self acceptance and self-love’.

Then, when they have successfully ‘let their twin go’ they don their badge with pride and proceed to tell others with their new found sense of pride they ‘THEY KNOW’ and speak with the confidence in their new found mastery how they are loving themselves by completely denying, judging and cutting themselves apart… This is not what surrender means.

Where is all this coming from then?

This is all part of the 3D manifestation of the multidimensional connection itself. All are there as part of twin flame motivation.

What is important is the state that you are in that all this is comes from. This is why we have the journey, so we can improve our state to fully allow the higher state to come through us, so we may experience the truest form of the connection (and us) that we can here.

The thoughts, feelings everything else are all based on the state that you are in in that moment. Physical, Mental, emotional and energetic.

Loving someone, wanting to be with someone from a low state is actually rooted in a fear-base, obsession, a need for safety. Wanting to escape the negative feelings.

Loving someone, wanting to be with someone from a higher state is rooted in a healed, wanting to exist in that with its co-creator simply because it feels so damn good.

Leave the ‘sins’ at the bottom of the ladder where they belong

Think of it symbolically like climbing a ladder up against a wall. Lower on the ladder you are, the lower frequency your state.

As you go your view and experience changes and thus your judgements and understandings. As you learn the best way to climb, learn to climb despite your fear of height, fears of self ability etc.. You learn more about yourself and the ladder itself as you experience the actual climb.

At the bottom of the ladder you are only thinking about climbing the ladder and getting to the top. All you can see all the way is a dusty brick wall and the ladder (the terrain). How to climb that ladder (the map) becomes the only reason and motivation there is.

Though as you near the last 1/3 you are running out of ladder. You look around at the situation rather than focusing on the ladder.

You can now see down and have a better, top down view of where you came from. The wall, what is on the other side, which you can start to glimpse, becomes the new focus.

As you crest the top you can see ‘why’ you were climbing the ladder, you realise the climbing of the ladder was not the true purpose. You shift from ‘how to climb the ladder’ to ‘why I was climbing the ladder’. You are no longer focusing to get to the top, no longer wanting to get away from the sight of that dusty wall. You shift from ‘moving away’, to ‘moving towards’. From mental action to experiencing what is.

The Twin should be your Inspiration, not a Warning!

I see WAY too many people saying how there ‘twin’ nearly killed them, broke them, is abusive, ‘Why would I let him back into my life! He nearly killed me!’. Honey that was NOT your Twin… this is what karmics are for. To teach you what love ISNT.

To be blunt, when you are in a low frequency state, you will experience that frequencies version of love.. and that above.. is it. This is why people ‘mistake’ this as their ‘twin’.

Your twin is meant to be an inspiration, a muse, an example of what you would be at your best that you can observe. Not put you in the experience of the former above mention.

To use my own experience as the example – he was an external living example of the best I could be. I don’t mean his persona, self or actions, but what I could and can sense and felt when I look at him. It was me feeling my best state and he didn’t really have to do anything except exist.

So in a Nutshell…

That last paragraph, people, as I said above, tend to focus on the ladder. This is where you get rigidness of pushing and banishing them far a way. The focus in on the ‘what to do’ then really being aware of yourself and what you are experiencing.

Though, I think in many cases, this comes about from the misunderstanding as a ‘karmic’ or purely toxic person being mistaken as the TF. Then the ‘completion’ becomes about simply moving on from them alone. Hence the TF concept has changed over time.

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