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Conscious Bites FAQ

Here is the Conscious Bites FAQ  for topics that do not requite their own dedicated post.

If you have a question, ask it here in the comments for a short and simple (as possible) reply.

If you would like to submit a question for Twin Flames FAQ you can do that via here also.

All questions/replies will be kept for others too browse through.

Anything else posted here will be deleted.

The following questions have associated articles and cant be fully answered in a few short sentences so please follow the appropriate links.

What is grounding AKA Rooting?

How do I connect to spirit/my higher self/higher consciousness?:

Start with the first menu on this website and work your way through them, giving yourself time (a few months) to fully become comfortable and have built some ‘success’ with the techniques and are starting to notice the changes due to them.

All you need is to gain this experience with the Introduction section and read it through slowly, maybe a few times, a a bit at a time to let it sink in. Then move to the next section to connect to your Spirit, Higher Self, Higher Consciousness. It will help you to build the senses and awareness you need whilst clearing the way for you to most accurately perceive and understanding what you are experiencing.

I can not say ‘how’ long it will take, it is not down to what you do, but who you are, so just keep going and you will get there.

How do I create a Scared Space:

A ‘sacred space’ is more using in pagan systems such as shamanism then with general spirituality. It is where you create a protected space, usually a circle around yourself, to do your working within.

Generally, I would say that as long as you keep your own energetic hygiene, strong energy field and your surroundings (room/house) energetically clutter free and cleansed.. you shouldnt need one. It is personal preference.

How do I raise my Vibration?

Do you even know what it is? HINT: it is not your mental or emotional mood or state!

What are some commonly misunderstood words in spirituality?

‘Attachments’ – Mental and emotional beliefs and values that state we NEED this external thing/s for our survival or happiness. These cause pain and suffering until they are met, which then leads us into co-dependency and unhealthy relationships and situations.

‘Letting go/detaching’ – Releasing mental and emotional attachments to objects or people (see above). It does not mean ‘giving up’ or moving on from.

‘Union’ (Twin Flame) – This union is when the collective energy bodies of two people who share the same soul/spirit/consciousness come back together and merge into one. One etheric, mental and emotional body. One consciousness. This is not two that connect or any form of fully accepting or unconditional love.

‘Twin Flame’ – Physical dimensional state of being. Two ‘human’ people who share the same spirit/soul/consciousness. This is not a romantic relationship or soley a case of unconditional love.

‘Twin Soul’ – Higher dimensional state of being. Two spirit/soul/consciousness that share the same Essence from Source. The Twin pattern but at a higher state of dimension.

‘Dual Aspect Being’ (See ‘Alternative Concepts’) – A single soul/consciousness experiencing itself in a duplicated state on consciousness itself. Can be numerous Aspects and/or Forms.

“Dimensions” -A means of organizing different planes of existence according to their vibratory rate. Each dimension has certain sets of laws and principles that are specific to the frequency of that dimension.

“Consciousness” – Represents awareness. The inhabitants of each dimension function clearly, easily, and with a minimum of resistance within that plane because their consciousness vibrates in resonance with the frequency of that dimension.

“Multidimensional Consciousness” – The ability to be “conscious” of more than one dimension. To be multidimensional in our consciousness we must remember that we have within us the potential to expand our perceptual awareness to the dimensions above and below our physical plane.

“Unconscious” – To be unaware of and unable to attend to internal and/or external stimuli within the inhabitants’ own dimension or within another dimension. Third dimensional humans are largely unaware of their first dimensional, second dimensional and fourth dimensional selves. The human unconscious is best accessed through physical body messages, introspection, dreams, and meditation.

“Conscious” – Aware of and able to attend to stimuli within the inhabitants’ own dimension, The third dimensional self is conscious of what can be perceived by the five physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

“‘Superconscious” – A higher order of consciousness of the fifth dimension and above in which the inhabitants are able to be aware of and attend stimuli of their own dimension as well as all the lower dimensions. The superconscious is innately multidimensional. The third dimensional self can become “conscious” of the superconscious through meditation, prayer and by surrendering to the enfoldment of
the higher order consciousness.

“Divine Masculine” & “Divine Feminine” – This is not physical sex or gender but the trait of energies that make us up. Neither is it gender ID or gender expression and it is not ‘how we act or behave’. The only way to know is to sense this traits directly from your core energies themselves. You can NOT tell indirectly as these are different things. We are usually BOTH though one tends to be at our core of which we sense ourself as being more then the other. Sometimes one can be completely inactive, thus we are only aware of being one.

What are these ‘waves’ of energy hitting that people keep talking about?

These waves are a type of dimensional ‘tide’ in the background dimensional fabric and have a cleansing effect and have always been happening.

They happen on all dimensions periodically to cleanse and remove anything that is not a matching frequency to that dimension. Having to many mis-matching frequencies cause dis-harmony which in turn cause spiking and static-like disruption in the dimension. So any impurities are removed.

If you think of a dimension as a painting, the reality would be the paint and the ‘background’ is the energetic canvas it exists upon. The ‘shockwave’ travels through this canvas and any paint that is not of the matching frequency is ‘bounced’ out due to the mis-matching frequency.

As such, people will only be affected by the wave that corresponds to the dimension they are ‘at’. For example, those newly arrived at 5D will really feel the waves as they will still hold many remnants of 4D, which will be hit by the discord made by the wave as they are dispelled.

What is a simple understanding of what I am experiencing in terms of reality?

In general there is as many realities as there are people and more.

Everyone has a reality internally which is their direct experience being the self.

Through the direct experience of self they indirectly experience the shared reality of Form (the world).

It is through this shared reality we can indirectly observe and experience their internal reality of self as it is expressed outwards into Form.

Consciousness steps in Self, Self steps into Form.

What is a Starseed and how do I find out if I am one?

A starseed is when you carry energies that are usually found on a certain area of the universe and/or dimensional frequency found from these other star systems and races.

I am a starseed’ (of a sort) and I can say that the BEST way to find out is to allow it to unfold on your own path.

Don’t try to look for it mentally and ignore any and ALL ‘tick lists’ on the internet, they are entertainment ONLY and wont tell you anything.

As you progress it is most likely that you will have a re-integrate aspects of yourself and these are most likely lead to the discovery of such energies.

Do not rely on anything indirect as readings or charts.. look to yourself.. they say look within not external so why do people still use external and indirect methods such as astrological? (baffles me)..

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