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Tag: spiritual awakening

photo of footprints on sand

The Folly of Planning

This is where our plan, no matter how well laid seems like building our house on sand. The folly of planning. Thinking ‘I have a plan!’. We realise how weak and breakable our ‘plans’ really are. Like trying to get the waves to stop by holding up our hand. They just come crashing..

The Twin Flame Concept CAN Damage your Experience.

There is many issues with the Twin Flame concept over the years and the problems have only been spreading and growing creating a ‘shadow’ around the general ‘experience’. This has lead to the rise of a toxic ‘understanding’ of what people think this experience is all about, all made even worse since it went ‘mainstream’, leading people to reside in this shadow rather then the true experience.

What is a Twin Flame Spiritual Growth & Experience. Part 2

..’perfect love and relationship’ is flawed in its creation, it comes from the fantasy of a wounded mind and heart which, in its current state, is unable to exist in such a high, harmonious and stable state. Such states only exist within our healed and harmonious inner selves – which the spiritual awakening and ascension brings… and then some!

The Absolute Basics. What is a Twin Flame Part 1

I feel it is time to address something which is the FOUNDATION of Twin Flames yet barely mentioned in the Twin Flame community and concepts. New comers tend to not have a clue about this as it is presented as a ‘stand alone’ experience hence so many mistake romance and even worse, abusive and toxic relationships as TF. So please have a read of this and share it around as much as you can!

A Twin Flame, Monadic, Twin Soul, Multi-Flame and Collective Connection is a dynamic and only exists WITHIN a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING.

Celebrity & Non-Celebrity Twin Flame Dynamic Guidance Readings

Any-time Celebrity & Non-Celebrity Guidance for potential areas of healing and introspection for twin flames and other same soul connections with this dynamic. All soul connection tarot on this site is for all same-soul connections – Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Twin Rays, Collectives, Monadic, Original Soul Families, Hiveminds. All are in fact many names for …

Celebrity & Non-Celebrity Twin Flame Dynamic Guidance ReadingsRead More

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