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A Personal Exploration of Spirituality & Life

All or Nothing

I have been doing a lot of work on my reality, my path. There has been so much progress and whilst I am thankful of that, I have still been ‘plagued’ by this constant ‘issue’

Now I realise isn’t an issue per say, but an inability to function due to being overwhelmed by something. I say ‘something’ as I believe this is my 8 swords, being blinded, unable to see. (more…)

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Working Through a Self-Perception

I seem to be caught in this state of ‘shallowness’ towards this whole connection. How I feel about this, or how I think about how I feel.  That to feel such things are shallow. To want, desire such things. For this to be important emotionally. I know I have read time and time again about shallow feelings in connections. The desire and want, as things best moved away from and being ‘lesser’ in some way. (more…)

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