Tag: Monadic Twin
What is Beyond Twin Flames. Monadic and Group Souls
..the Journey of a Multi-Flame differs to that of a Twin Flame. These more or less seem like the same in process .. until you hit a certain point. This is where the ‘twin flames’ journey ends and multi-flames keep going…
Twin Flame/Monadic Inevitability – A Perfect Paradox
I can feel me or him (Giggles I call him), or both ready, wanting, we can move forward. I want to do so also, I think it is regardless, which is good. Energy wants to flow! Let it!
(These journal posts are my own writing and processing as I do inner and shadow work. I use elements of NLP during, hence I may seem to loop and repeat things. I only post online the parts I think others might find useful.)
Twin Flame FAQ – 2
If you would like to submit a question for Twin Flames FAQ you can do that via Conscious Bites FAQ. Is it healthy to just go solely off faith in the twin flame connection? Is there any moment where you question the connection with logic? Soley of faith? No. Logic? That wont help unless you …