I decided Twin Flame Signs Advice & Warning warranted its own post now as I am looking to expand this website. The current information available online is a literal jungle that is complete with hidden dangers and creepy crawlies you are best avoiding!
I made a video to give advice a few years back for those seeking such information to let you know what to be mindful of as you search for this answer.
Initially the best Information I can give is to NOT look to see if a person is your ‘Twin Flames’, but to see if the PROCESS is that of a twin flame.
I have since made a second video in this series which can be seen here:
Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Twin Rays, Collectives, Multi-Flames, Monadic, Original Soul Families, Hiveminds. All are in fact many names for what is actually the SAME thing. One Being that is experiencing itself in various different states of many.