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A Personal Exploration of Spirituality & Life

All or Nothing

I have been doing a lot of work on my reality, my path. There has been so much progress and whilst I am thankful of that, I have still been ‘plagued’ by this constant ‘issue’

Now I realise isn’t an issue per say, but an inability to function due to being overwhelmed by something. I say ‘something’ as I believe this is my 8 swords, being blinded, unable to see. (more…)

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Becoming the Rainbow

Its dawning on me how I separate ‘here’ (the physical), the astral and what I consider ‘spiritual’ occurrences and the process of ascension.

I seem to keep looking ‘here’ for the results of the process that I perceive in the astral. Though what if what happens in the astral IS my spiritual/ascension results and growth? (more…)

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Higher Self, Self, I, Human. Letting go Ownership of Ascension

Me, myself and I.

I feel that state and energy around me today. The shuffling of being uncomfortable suddenly and needing to slightly re-adjust something. Like too tight jeans that are pinching.

This is following a feeling of searching a quick talk with my tarot and I realised that all my ‘work’ was never for me, the Self. I was made to be/do the work. You could even say ‘is’ the work. Either way, I accept it may never do anything for me, or have been for me to start with.


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