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Faery Wicca Tarot Deck Review

Faery Wicca Tarot was my first tarot deck that was bought as a gift when my brother went to the US for work. I have to admit, I wasnt nearly ready for this deck. I was far to inexperienced. Over 5 years later it is my current tarot deck since I retired my best deck in hopes this would bring new energy and messages.

Even now, several years later, I find they are incredibly accurate, however a downside is the fact that the celtic myth theme is slightly far then I am comfortable with. Often times in reading the meanings, I have no clue what it’s trying to say and some cards seem to have two opposite meanings.

The deck comes in a thin box which open from the top, rather like a book and while is suitable for keeping the cards in, there is no where store the book with the cards.

Guide Book

It comes with a relatively thick, colour covered , guidebook. There is a great introduction to the Faery theme, including meanings and translation of the cards, ie Ainnir is equivalent to Maiden and Banrion is equivalent to High Queen. It discusses the theme symbolism of the various symbols and patterns also the reversed card potentials meanings, numerology.. quite impressive really. There are 4 spreads for only using the Element Cards (minor arcana), 4 spreads for the Elements and Helper Cards (court cards) and 2 spreads for using just the Ancient Ones card (major arcana). There are then a further 4 spreads for using all the cards. At the end of the book are Ogham and Gaelic/Irish Alphabets and pronunciation guide.

The Faery Wicca Tarot Cards

This is a large deck with 83 cards.  The are 7cm wide and just over 11.5cm tall. They are divided into:

  • 40 Element Cards (minor arcana)
  • 16 Helper Cards (court cards)
  • 22 Ancient Ones (major cards)
  • The Power Card (major arcana unique card)
  • 4 Gift of Faery Cards (unique cards)

They are coloured, bordered cards, very smooth and easy to shuffle.

Example Faery Wicca Tarot card and guidebook meaning

An Clogas: The Round Tower

Free yourself from false pretense, take the risk of flying rather than falling; an enlightenment is at hand, one that will cause a paradigm shift in your thinking; don’t lose heart; face the encroaching change.

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