Tag: Collective Twin
What is Beyond Twin Flames. Monadic and Group Souls
Conscious Libre
Beyond Twin Flames- Personal Experience Flame Basics Soul Connection Twin Flames, Monadics, Group Soul.
31 January 2023
..the Journey of a Multi-Flame differs to that of a Twin Flame. These more or less seem like the same in process .. until you hit a certain point. This is where the ‘twin flames’ journey ends and multi-flames keep going…
Twin Flame/Monadic Inevitability – A Perfect Paradox
I can feel me or him (Giggles I call him), or both ready, wanting, we can move forward. I want to do so also, I think it is regardless, which is good. Energy wants to flow! Let it!
(These journal posts are my own writing and processing as I do inner and shadow work. I use elements of NLP during, hence I may seem to loop and repeat things. I only post online the parts I think others might find useful.)